Update test settings for given test. Partial update is not supported. You need to first call “Get Test Settings” (unless you’ve done that already), store values or use somewhere in page, and send request with whole object along with changes values in remaining sub-objects.
Also, please note that, certain settings have some rules they obey like Allow Copy Paste which disable window violation popup. Please refer to app.interviewmocha UI for understanding features.
Field | Type | Required | Default | Description |
testId | Integer64 | Yes | - | Unique identifier of the test |
Field | Type | Required | Default | Description |
testName | String | Yes | - | It is the name given to the test by you or by your teammate |
testAliasName | String | Yes | - | The test name you want to show to the candidates in the communication emails or while writing the test |
typeOfTest | Integer | Yes | - |
Two types of tests determine how the questions will appear to the candidates while writing the test. 0=Multiple Questions with Mark for Review 1=Single Question |
practiceTest | Integer | Yes | - | You have the option of allowing the candidates to take a practice test right before they appear for the actual test. |
randomQuestions | Integer | Yes | 0 | Random Questions: If enabled, no two candidates will get the questions in the same order. e.g., Q1 will be different for John and Smith. |
randomAnswers | Integer | Yes | 0 | Random Answers: If enabled, this will mean that the answer options in MCQ or MAQ will be different for candidates. e.g., the correct answer option will be a for Smith, whereas it will be d for John. |
showQuestionScore | Integer | Yes | - | Show Question Score: If enabled, this will indicate the number of points the question carries. |
sectionEndPopup | Integer | Yes | 0 | You can choose which messages should be displayed to the candidate during the test. |
sectionTimeLeftAlert | Integer | Yes | 0 | The system will alert the candidates when less than 2 minutes are remaining in the section. |
candidateFeedback | Integer | Yes | 0 | Enabling this will display a feedback page after completion of the test. This helps in knowing the candidate's test experience. |
sendTestReportEmailToCandidate | Integer | Yes | 0 | On Report generation send email to Candidate |
terminateTestOnImageViolation | Integer | Yes | 0 | Terminate Test on Image Violation |
terminateTestAfterViolationCount | Integer | Yes | 0 | Terminate Test After Violation Count |
copyPaste | Integer | Yes | 0 | Allow Copy/Paste in Descriptive & Coding Questions |
displayViolationPopUp | Integer | Yes | 0 | Display Window Violation Pop-up |
terminateTestOnWindowViolation | Integer | Yes | 0 | Terminate Test on Window Violation |
terminateTestAfterViolationCount | Integer | Yes | 0 | terminate Test After Violation Count |
URL 1: /v3/tests/{testId}/settings
Request Body{ "testSettings": { "testName": "A11", "testAliasName": "A11", "typeOfTest": 1, "practiceTest": 1 }, "questionSettings": { "randomQuestions": 0, "randomAnswers": 0, "showQuestionScore": 0 }, "displayMessageSettings": { "sectionEndPopup": 0, "sectionTimeLeftAlert":0, "candidateFeedback": 0 }, "emailSettings": { "sendTestReportEmailToCandidate": 0 }, "imageProctoringSettings": { "terminateTestOnImageViolation": 0, "terminateTestAfterViolationCount": 1 }, "windowViolationSettings": { "copyPaste": 0, "displayViolationSettings": { "displayViolationPopUp": 1, "terminateTestOnWindowViolation": 1, "terminateTestAfterViolationCount": 1 } } }
Status 200 OK
Response{ "testSettings": { "testName": "A11", "testAliasName": "A11", "typeOfTest": 1, "practiceTest": 1 }, "questionSettings": { "randomQuestions": 1, "randomAnswers": 1, "showQuestionScore": 1 }, "displayMessageSettings": { "sectionEndPopup": 1, "sectionTimeLeftAlert": 1, "candidateFeedback": 1 }, "emailSettings": { "sendTestReportEmailToCandidate": 0 }, "imageProctoringSettings": { "terminateTestOnImageViolation": 1, "terminateTestAfterViolationCount": 5 }, "windowViolationSettings": { "copyPaste": 1, "displayViolationSettings": { "displayViolationPopUp": 1, "terminateTestOnWindowViolation": 1, "terminateTestAfterViolationCount": 3 } } }
Status 400 Bad Request
If required parameters have invalid values.
Response{ "errors": [ "'Email' must not be empty.", "Email address is in invalid format" ] }