
Create New User

This API allows you to create a new user by providing essential details such as name, email, and business unit.
API Behavior

The user will be assigned the default role of "Reviewer" and the default business unit. User will receive a notification email containing a link to set up a new password.

POST https://apiv3.imocha.io/v3/accounts/user/create
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Request Body Parameters
Field Type Required Default Description
email String Yes - Unique email ID for the user
fullname String Yes - Full name of the user
businessunitId Integer64 No - ID of the business unit the user belongs to
Sample Request Body
Request Body
{ "email": "[email protected]", "fullName": "Test User", "businessunitId": 170867 }
Successful response

Status 200 OK

{ "email": "[email protected]", "fullName": "Test User", "businessunitId": 170867 }
Failed response

Status 400 Bad request

{ "errors": [ "Email address is in invalid format" ] }
Parameter Value Description Parameter Type Data Type
email Unique email ID for the user Body String
fullname Full name of the user Body String
businessunitId ID of the business unit the user belongs to Body Integer64
  • Response Body